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Data Bundles

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1GB of data
for just € 10
Yellow SIM Card
2GB of data
for just € 20
Yellow SIM Card
10GB of data
for just € 100
Yellow SIM Card
50GB of data
for just € 150
Yellow SIM Card


Out of bundle prices per country

Country Data per MB Receive SMS
AF Afghanistan, Islamic Republic of € 0.10 Free
AL Albania, Republic of € 0.10 Free
DZ Algeria, People's Democratic Republic of € 0.10 Free
AS American Samoa € 0.10 Free
AD Andorra, Principality of € 0.10 Free
AO Angola, Republic of € 0.10 Free
AI Anguilla € 0.10 Free
AQ Antarctica (the territory South of 60 deg S) € 0.10 Free
AG Antigua and Barbuda € 0.10 Free
AR Argentina, Argentine Republic € 0.10 Free
AM Armenia, Republic of € 0.10 Free
AW Aruba € 0.10 Free
AU Australia, Commonwealth of € 0.10 Free
AT Austria, Republic of € 0.10 Free
AZ Azerbaijan, Republic of € 0.10 Free
BS Bahamas, Commonwealth of the € 0.10 Free
BH Bahrain, Kingdom of € 0.10 Free
BD Bangladesh, People's Republic of € 0.10 Free
BB Barbados € 0.10 Free
BY Belarus, Republic of € 0.10 Free
BE Belgium, Kingdom of € 0.10 Free
BZ Belize € 0.10 Free
BJ Benin, Republic of € 0.10 Free
BM Bermuda € 0.10 Free
BT Bhutan, Kingdom of € 0.10 Free
BO Bolivia, Republic of € 0.10 Free
BA Bosnia and Herzegovina € 0.10 Free
BW Botswana, Republic of € 0.10 Free
BR Brazil, Federative Republic of € 0.10 Free
IO British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago) € 0.10 Free
VG British Virgin Islands € 0.10 Free
BN Brunei Darussalam € 0.10 Free
BG Bulgaria, Republic of € 0.10 Free
BF Burkina Faso € 0.10 Free
BI Burundi, Republic of € 0.10 Free
KH Cambodia, Kingdom of € 0.10 Free
CM Cameroon, Republic of € 0.10 Free
CA Canada € 0.10 Free
CV Cape Verde, Republic of € 0.10 Free
KY Cayman Islands € 0.10 Free
CF Central African Republic € 0.10 Free
TD Chad, Republic of € 0.10 Free
CL Chile, Republic of € 0.10 Free
CN China, People's Republic of € 0.10 Free
CX Christmas Island € 0.10 Free
CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands € 0.10 Free
CO Colombia, Republic of € 0.10 Free
KM Comoros, Union of the € 0.10 Free
CD Congo, Democratic Republic of the € 0.10 Free
CG Congo, Republic of the € 0.10 Free
CK Cook Islands € 0.10 Free
CR Costa Rica, Republic of € 0.10 Free
CI Cote d'Ivoire, Republic of € 0.10 Free
HR Croatia, Republic of € 0.10 Free
CU Cuba, Republic of € 0.10 Free
CY Cyprus, Republic of € 0.10 Free
CZ Czech Republic € 0.10 Free
DK Denmark, Kingdom of € 0.10 Free
DJ Djibouti, Republic of € 0.10 Free
DM Dominica, Commonwealth of € 0.10 Free
DO Dominican Republic € 0.10 Free